Exploring Eco-Friendly Tours at RICON

Embracing Sustainability: Exploring Eco-Friendly Tours at RICON

Exploring Eco-Friendly Tours at RICON: The RICON Rotary Convention 2023 held in Melbourne wasn’t just a gathering of Rotarians; it was an opportunity to embrace sustainability in every facet of the event. One of the standout features was the integration of eco-friendly tours, offering attendees a chance to explore the city while minimizing their environmental footprint. This article delves into the innovative sustainable tours that added a new dimension to RICON, fostering a commitment to responsible travel and environmental consciousness.

Discovering Melbourne’s Eco-Friendly Gems: Melbourne, a vibrant city known for its culture and diversity, took on a new hue as attendees participated in eco-friendly tours. These guided excursions ventured beyond the conventional tourist spots, delving into the heart of sustainable practices that define Melbourne. From visits to urban gardens showcasing urban agriculture to tours of eco-conscious businesses, participants were immersed in the city’s commitment to responsible living.

Impactful Environmental Learning: These sustainable tours weren’t just about sightseeing; they were transformative learning experiences. Participants engaged with local experts who highlighted the city’s innovative approaches to waste management, renewable energy, and conservation efforts. The tours became a platform for meaningful conversations, fostering a deeper understanding of how communities can make a positive impact on the environment.

Exploring Eco-Friendly Tours at RICON:

Reducing Carbon Footprints through Thoughtful Travel: In a world where travel often comes at an environmental cost, these eco-friendly tours presented a different perspective. Attendees embraced the concept of mindful travel, opting for walking, cycling, and public transportation options to minimize carbon footprints. By choosing sustainable modes of exploration, Rotarians demonstrated their commitment to preserving the environment even while enjoying the convention’s offerings.

Collaboration and Inspiration: The essence of Rotary conventions lies in connection and inspiration, and the sustainable tours were no exception. Attendees from diverse backgrounds shared their insights and experiences, forging connections based on their shared passion for sustainability. These tours became a catalyst for collaborative efforts, igniting discussions about implementing similar practices in attendees’ respective communities.

Carrying Sustainable Values Forward: As the RICON Rotary Convention concluded, the impact of the sustainable tours continued to resonate. Attendees left Melbourne not only with cherished memories but also with a renewed commitment to sustainable living. The lessons learned and connections made during these tours have the potential to create a ripple effect, influencing the way Rotarians approach travel, community initiatives, and environmental stewardship.


Excellent Turnout for ESRAG’s RICON Events

ESRAG’s Oceania Chapter provided Rotarians a wealth of opportunities to explore effective environmental action during the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne. 65 people participated in ESRAG field trips, which illustrated an array of environmental successes, a tremendous value added to the RICON experience. Lesley McCarthy’s articles describe the lively interactions of ESRAG’s Environmental Action Summit and ESRAG’s House of Friendship Booth, which teemed with visitors, discoveries, and eager conversations throughout the Convention. In addition, ESRAG Oceania set up a lunch on May 27 and dinner on May 28. These two events drew almost 90 Rotarians for a wonderful opportunity to catch up with old friends, make new ones, and exchange ideas. The lunch was standing room only! ESRAG Past Chair Dr. Christopher Puttock is now leading the Council of Rotary Action Groups, and this year’s RAGtime meet and greet for all RAGs drew 150 people who networked with Rotary leaders, staff, and each other over delicious food at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens.


Article Photo: Rotarians setting out for the evening bat tour, including ESRAG Oceania members Vic Grosjean and Ted Waghorne, who played an essential role in building sustainability and environmental education into this year’s Rotary Convention. They are on the front row, first and second from the left.

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 15 years of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.