The Impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action

The Impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action


26, Oct 2023 – The Impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action.

Rotary International, known for its efforts to promote peace, development, and the well-being of communities, has increasingly focused on environmental protection. As environmental concerns become more pressing, Rotary has evolved to incorporate sustainability into its core missions. One of the notable advocates for this shift is Vic Grosjean, whose work has significantly influenced Rotary’s environmental policies and actions.

Vic Grosjean’s Environmental Journey

Vic Grosjean, passionate about environmental protection, has been at the forefront of innovative projects aimed at preserving the Great Barrier Reef. His journey began in Australia, working on a range of initiatives to test new technologies that could safeguard this vital ecosystem. Grosjean’s commitment to the environment was solidified during his time as a member of Rotaract, where he launched a project to combat ocean pollution.

From Local Action to Global Recognition

Upon moving to Melbourne, Grosjean noticed that environmental protection was not a primary concern for Rotary International. Undeterred, he organized cleaning operations that utilized new technologies and the Rotary network to tackle pollution. This effort led to the creation of 3D paintings from collected plastic waste. His innovative approach earned him the Young Innovators Award at the Rotary United Nations Conference in 2018, presented by Rotary International President Barry Rassin.

Expanding Environmental Initiatives

Following this recognition, Grosjean joined the board of the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG). He played a crucial role in making the environment a primary focus of Rotary International, contributing to the development of guidelines for global grants in the environmental sector. His work included six months in mangrove ecosystems, where he conducted interviews on positive Rotary actions impacting these areas.

Global Impact and Advocacy

Grosjean’s series, “Ocean Innovators,” presented at COP-26, facilitated a round table with environment ministers from seven countries, the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, and the President of Rotary International. This initiative led to significant financial commitments for mangrove restoration. Grosjean was also involved in launching the first mangrove restoration project in Bermuda and developing the Eco Event Guide, signed by Ian Riseley, President of the Rotary Foundation.

The Role of Rotary Clubs

Rotary clubs worldwide can play a pivotal role in environmental protection. Clubs can:

  1. Raise Awareness: Educate members on environmental issues and encourage sustainable practices.
  2. Financial Support: Fund environmental projects using global grants from the Rotary Foundation.
  3. Advocacy: Influence policymakers at local, national, and international levels to promote environmental preservation.

The Eco Event Guide offers tools to help clubs act responsibly, ensuring their events and initiatives are environmentally sustainable. By collaborating with environmental experts, clubs can maximize their impact and drive lasting change.


Rotary International’s commitment to environmental protection exemplifies how global networks can foster sustainable development. By integrating environmental concerns into their initiatives, Rotary clubs can reduce conflicts, protect fragile ecosystems, and promote peace. The combined efforts of Rotary members worldwide can shape a better future for all generations, where peace and environmental protection go hand in hand.

Read more:

‘The impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action’, N° 842 OCTOBRE 2023, by Vic Grosjean, on ‘ROTARY MAG’, Rotary International works to promote peace, development and the well-being of communities. While environmental protection has become one of the major concerns of our time, how has Rotary International managed to evolve with the times in recent years?

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 15 years of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.