Manual of the Engineer: Organise your CPD

The Engineer’s Manual: Organise your CPD


8, July 2021 – Manual of the Engineer: Organise your CPD.

Vic Grosjean publishing a guide to help French Engineers navigate their Continuous Professional Development (CPD) opportunities.

“On our graduation day, we all thought we had completed our apprenticeship. The next day, we understood that it had only just begun! »Vic Grosjean (ISEN 2012)
The five years it takes to graduate from engineering school is a critical step. It brings a unique and unequaled knowledge base to the world.
Upon integration into a company, engineers quickly measure the limits of the knowledge acquired in an engineering school that has, in reality, “taught him to learn”. On the basis of his knowledge, the engineer is then called upon to develop skills.
In a constantly changing world, the evolution of technologies is often faster than the time needed to grasp them. The engineer must therefore constantly adapt.
Unlike the diploma, skills are limited in time. It is, therefore, necessary to maintain and develop them throughout one’s career in order to avoid ending up in a dead-end.
Today’s graduate engineers will have multiple careers and will need to continue training constantly so as not to be overwhelmed.

This manual is intended for any engineer to help him organize his training to evolve throughout his professional life and for any bachelor wishing to become an engineer.

Our approach?

From the experiences of engineers, we have gathered unique testimonies at different stages of their careers.
We have thus gathered information on the difficulties and opportunities encountered in acquiring new knowledge and establishing skills throughout one’s career. We have thus retraced the training path of an engineer throughout his life.

Our proposals are the result of a think tank of expert engineers working on developments in the profession. The result of our work is reflected in this support manual for the engineer.


Our proposals can be grouped into four main themes:

  1. Become an engineer with the ability to practice.
  2. The career of an engineer after graduation.
  3. Expand your knowledge and skills.
  4. Participate in the ecosystem of engineers.

Our objective?

  1. Clarify options for acquiring knowledge.
  2. Encourage engineers to develop skills.
  3. Help and support engineers in linking their professional projects to their
  4. Continuing Professional Development objectives.

Read more:

‘Manuel de l’ingénieur : Organiser son Développement Professionnel Continu’, , 8 July 2021, by F Blin, M Coureau, G Duwat, V Grosjean, G Henrist, G Ovigneur, JC Pannekouke, K Udry, on ‘Ingénieurs et scientifiques de France (2021)’, the “Engineer’s Manual”, a guide for the orientation and development of your professional career in France and abroad.

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About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.