S.T.A.R. versus K.I.S.S. method?

leave-a-replyThe page “S.T.A.R. versus K.I.S.S. method?”  gives you options to give the best answers for an interview… I recommend to tailor your answer…

1. S.T.A.R. Method:

This method aim to give an example of a situation where you were involved in that resulted in a positive outcome.

  • S- Situation
    • Give an example of a situation you were involved and that resulted in a positive outcome
  • T- Your Task
    • Describe what you had to accomplish. Mention tools and techniques and clearly identify your contributions.
  • A- Action you took
    • Talk about the various actions involved in the situation’s task, mention tools and techniques and clearly identify your contributions. What results directed followed because of your actions?
  • R- Result
    • What results directly followed because of your actions?

Don’t forget to use numbers and percentages to illustrate your level of contribution.

2. K.I.S.S. Method:

In order not to get too bogged on detail, keep it simple

  • Keep it simple, stupid
    • Do not break down terminology that you don’t quite understand, keep it simple

3. P.A.R. statements:

PAR statements in your resume make it easy to recognize your achievements:

  • Describe the Project, the context, task, job
  • Describe what Activity you did
  • Show the Results, outcomes and benefits

Make sure you quantify by stating the amount of dollars saved, the amount of clients served and the percentage increase in productivity or improvement in effficiency.

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.