Rotary-Webinars-RAGS-ESRAG-Enhancing Participant Engagement

Rotary Webinars: Enhancing Participant Engagement


1, November 2021 – Rotary Webinars – Enhancing Participant Engagement.

Vic Grosjean participating in Rotary Webinars to discuss Enhancing Participant Engagement through RAGs. 

We know that our members and people who engage with us are seeking experiences that are relevant and fulfilling, both personally and professionally. How can we make sure we give them meaningful opportunities to learn and evolve with us throughout their lives? Your membership gives you access to a global network of professionals and leaders who share a passion for applying their collective expertise and resources to make a positive change. During this webinar, we will talk with participants using their skills in order to:
• Prioritize the needs, expectations, and growth of our participants
• Support participants in finding find long-term value in their membership
• Address what we know about why participants become disengaged

How join rotary rags

Vic Grosjean will discuss during this Rotary Webinar:
• What brings you the most value from being a part of Rotary?
• What people are looking for differs for member to member—how do we go about finding out what people want and connecting them with it?
• What has Rotary provided you that you would not have achieved or accomplished without it?

Read more:

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About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.