
Panelist with Ian Riseley – Rotary International President 2017-2018



7, October 2019 – Panelist with Ian Riseley – Rotary International President 2017-2018

Vic Grosjean panellist at Graduate House with past President of Rotary International


Rotary Club of Carlton held its inaugural Global Leadership Program, with Guest Speaker Ian Riseley, President of Rotary International 2017-2018, at Graduate House on Monday 7th October.


Ian Riseley, who has been a Rotarian since 1978 and has served Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation in various capacities, spoke on the topic of How Can I make the World a Better Place?: The Power of Volunteerism.
Ian said that one of the questions we all need to ask ourselves is: “How important is it to make a difference in the world?” If making a difference in the lives of others matters to you, then Rotary provides an opportunity for you to volunteer to help others, but it also creates a space for volunteers to develop their self-esteem. Addressing the subject that younger people do not care about volunteering and giving back to community, Ian said that younger people are just as interested in volunteering as older generations. However what young people will not do is waste their time. Rotary, therefore, is looking at ways for younger people to get involved in Service Projects (another word for volunteering). In discussing the importance of volunteering, Ian also addressed another question often posed: “What is in it for me?” Responding to this question, Ian listed four reasons for joining Rotary: 1) friendship with good people from diverse backgrounds; 2) personal development; 3) professional development; and 4) making a difference. About the last point, Ian
said that Rotary’s global achievements and impact have been possible because of the fellowship of millions of Rotarians who come together to do good in the world. “If I wanted to eradicate polio by myself, it would have been impossible. But together with 1.2 million Rotarians, we have been able to almost eradicate polio.”
Following Ian’s presentation, members of the panel were seated for a Q & A with the guests. On the panel was Dr Kerry Bennett (CEO/Head of College at Graduate House), Vic Grosjean (Rotaractor and Principal Consultant
at OceanX), Dale Hoy (District Governor Nominee for Rotary District 9800 in 2021-22), Ian Riseley, Dr Parisa Shiran (Friend of Rotary Club of Carlton and Content Writer at Graduate House) and Dr Murray Verso (twice President of Rotary Club Williamstown and District Governor 2014-15). The panel discussion was moderated by Keith Ryall (Rotary Club of Carlton and Governor of Rotary International District 9800 in 2011-12) and Father Michael Elligate AM (Rotary Club of Carlton).
The panel discussed a wide range of issues and questions including: the importance of volunteer work in the world.
Panelist on Monday, 7th October 2019 – 6:00PM till 8:30PM – Graduate House – 220 Leicester Street, Carlton 3053
• PPRI Ian Riseley OAM: Guest Speaker

The Keynote Presentation was made by Ian Riseley OAM, Rotary International President 2017-2018 and Trustee of The Board of Rotary Foundation 2019-2023. Rotary Foundation granted US$302 Million in the year of his Presidency

1. Dr Kerry Bennett-CEO of The GU and HOC Graduate House since August 2011.
Has a PhD from Cambridge Univ in Neurophysiology and from Google search was a Demonstrator in Neuroanatomy at Cambridge from 1987-90.
Has many other qualifications including Blockchain from RMIT Has seen a remarkable growth in the number of residents at GH from around 100 in 2011 to nearer 180 today
Is passionate about the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and recommend you look at TGU/TGH website to learn more about them. ( Most link in with the TRF’s 6 Critical Areas of Focus)

2. Vic Grosjean-Principal Consultant and Chartered Engineer with 13 year-experience and now with OceanX Group.
Holds a Bachelors degree in Electronics, and Masters in Robotics and Physics ( Environmental Monitoring)
Last year, he was selected by IPPRI Barry Rassin to be named 1 of 6 Rotary’s People of Action ( worldwide )
As a Leader and Community Educator, Vic strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long term difference for humanity.
He is a proud member of Melbourne City Rotaract Club and was a Keynote Presenter just last week at the Zone 8 Rotary Conference held in Christchurch NZ.

3. Dale Hoy-is DGN for RID9800-meaning Governor in 2021-22.
Dale is from the RC Brighton ( 15 years ) and holds a B.Bus and an MBA; is a member of the Institute of CA in Aust and NZ and also the Financial Services Institute of Aust. He has worked with a Big 4 Chartered Firm in Melbourne in Audit, Corporate Services and Staff Training and then in 1989 started up a Financial Services Co in Jakarta ( 10 years there).
Recently managed the inaugural Social Impact Forum for 18-35 year olds at a Rotary MD Conference held here in MEL. Dale has just returned from the Rotary Conference in Christchurch and with his wife Maureen has been trekking all round places like Queenstown.

4. Dr Parisa Shiran-born in Isfahan in Iran-lost her father in a car accident at age 5 and was effectively raised by her grandparents ( refer GU/GH News for her story )-did a Bachelors degree in English Language and Lit at Univ of Isfahan then a Masters. Moved to Australia on scholarships; stayed at GH and just very recently completed a PhD in English and Theatre Studies in the School of Culture and Communication. Her Research project was about examining women’s literature from a feminist philosophical perspective. Now a Content Writer/Executive Assistant at GH and an Honorary Member of Carlton Rotary and a Volunteer at Carlton Rotary’s Bunnings Sausage Sizzle and Book Fairs.

5. Dr Murray Verso-member of Williamstown Rotary since 1981- a graduate of Melbourne University in Medicine. Now a retired Medical Practitioner and was a Partner in the W’town Medical Clinic since 1977 and visiting Medical Officer at the Williamstown Hospital until 2007. Twice President of RC Williamstown and DG 2014-15 ; President of Trinity Grammar School Council 1995-2004 ; Chair of TRF at the moment and on the Committee to End Trachoma 2020. Led a group of Rotarians to Gallipoli in 2015 ( 100th Anniversary-ANZAC’s landing ) and has asked the question…How would the medical profession have coped at Gallipoli in 1915? Still maintains close ties with Rotary in Turkey.

‘Rotary Club of Carlton’s Meeting with Ian Riseley OAM’, November issue, 7 October 2019, by Dr Kerry Bennett, on ‘Graduate House News’, Presentation by Past President of Rotary International on The Power of Volunteerism – How can I make the world a  better place? The presentation was followed by a panel discussion on the importance of volunteer work in the world.


Join the conversation and help us clean our oceans!

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.