Networking is part of your job research!

leave-a-replyThe page “Networking is part of your job research!” helps you to define your network as part of your job search. Networking is an integral part of the job search. Network etiquette requires do not ask for a job or internship. The focus is to meet people and find out more about the job they do.

  1. Identify your network

  • Family (parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins)
  • Friends
  • School contacts (faculty, teachers, classmates, alumni)
  • Community associates (religious affiliates, neighbors)
  • Work contacts (supervisors, coworkers)
  • Professional association members, industry reception
  • Career fair representatives

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.