How to prepare a phone interview?

leave-a-replyThe page “How to prepare a phone interview?” gives you the best tips to be ready for your phone interview.

1. Prior the interview

  • Keep your resume in clear view in the case you need to answer questions
  • Have a list of compealing stories that highlight your accomplishments
  • Have company information summurized including critical points describing your employer and the company’s products
  • Highlight the key attributes on the job description and your resume where there is alignment
  • Prepare a short list of questions
  • Have a pen and paper
  • Dress as a normal interview
  • Clear the room
  • Place a sign ‘do not disturb’ on the door

2. Types of phone interviews

  • Information gathering Interviews: see if you are a good fit with the company
  • Screening call: In order to narrow the pool of applicants invited in-person
  • In depth telephone interview: Interviewed by a hiring comittee over a speakerphone (used for long-distance interview)

3. During the interview

  • Speak slowly and enunciate clearly
  • Smile
  • Use the person’s title (Mr or Ms) and their last name
  • Do not interrupt the interviewer
  • Take your time
  • Give succint answers
  • Tell a brief example/story of your experiences

4. Before you hang up

  • Thank the interviewer for the opportunity
  • Get contact information for follow-up questions
  • Ask about the hiring timeline: When are you looking to have a decision made?

5. After the interview

  • Takes notes about what you were asked and how you answered
  • Follow up with a thank-note that reiterates your interest in the job

About the author: Vic Grosjean

Chartered Engineer with 2 decades of Ocean experience, Vic Grosjean is Principal Consultant at OceanX Group, an Engineering Consultancy specialising in Environmental Monitoring solutions. As a leader and community educator, he strives for projects to reduce water pollution on a global scale and make a long-term difference for humanity. His career focus is to build collaboration between organizations in order to advance Engineering and preserve the Environment with the ultimate goal of Saving our Oceans.