The “Fair work checklist!” gives you the tools to check if the company you are working for is using the legal way... I recommend to check each category.
1. Do I know:
- The full legal name of my employer?
- The name of my manager/supervisor?
- My job title?
- What work I am required to perform?
- The name of the award or agreement covering my employment?
- How the National Employment Standards (NES) apply to me?
2. Have I:
- Completed a tax file number declaration form?
- Signed a contract or agreement?
- Received a copy of the contract or agreement?
- Received a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement?
3. Do I know if I:
- am full-time, part-time or casual?
- am permanent or temporary?
- am on probation and when the probation period ends?
- am working a trial period?
- am being paid for the trial period?
- am paid to attend meetings?
- am paid to get to work early or stay late outside of my official shift hours?
- am being paid for training?
- have to pay if customers leave without paying, the cash register is short of money, or I accidentally break something?
- am required to pay for accidents or insurance when driving my employer’s car?
- am an apprentice or trainee?
- Have a registered training contract?
- Am being paid superannuation?
4. Do I:
- Wear a uniform?
- Pay for the uniform?
- Wash the uniform?
- Receive a uniform o laundry allowance?
- Supply my own tools?
- Receive a tool allowance?
- Receive a pay slip for every payment received?
5. Do my pay slips include:
- My name?
- My employer’s name?
- My employer’s ABN?
- The pay period start date, the end date and the payment date?
- My rate of pay?
- Any loadings and/or penalties?
- Any payment for overtime?
- Any deductions I have agreed to?
- Total net and gross amounts?
- Any superannuation contributions and name of superannuation fund?
6. Do I know my:
- Hourly rate of pay before tax?
- Casual loading (if applicable)?
- Pay cycle (weekly, fortnightly, monthly)?
- Payment method (cash, cheque, deposit to my back account)?
- Start and finish times?
- Minimum hours of work each week?
- Rostered days and hours?
- Meals and break times?
7. Do I know what to do if:
- I am sick and need time off?
- I want to go on holidays?
- I have to do jury service?
- I am hurt or injured at work?
- I want to make a complaint about discrimination, bullying or harassment?
- I want to take parental leave?
- I want to take community service leave?
- I want to take compassionate leave?
- I want to leave my employment?
- I am dismissed?
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