The Impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26, Oct 2023 – The Impact of Rotary Through Environmental Action. Rotary International, known for its efforts to promote peace, development, and the well-being of communities, has increasingly focused on environmental protection. As environmental concerns become more pressing, Rotary has evolved to incorporate sustainability into its core missions. One of the notable […]

Sustainability Expert at Rotary International Convention

Celebrating Vic Grosjean’s Transformative Role as Sustainability Expert at Rotary International Convention 2023 As the final curtain descended on the RICON Convention 2023 in Melbourne, a resounding round of applause echoed through the hall as a heartfelt tribute was extended to Vic Grosjean. This tribute, shared during the closing ceremony, reverberated with gratitude for Vic’s […]

French Flag at RICON Opening Ceremony

Vic Grosjean: Symbolizing Unity and Sustainability with the French Flag at RICON 2023 Opening Ceremony The RICON Convention 2023 in Melbourne witnessed a powerful moment during its opening ceremony – Vic Grosjean, a dedicated advocate of sustainability, proudly carrying the French flag. Vic Grosjean: A Champion of Sustainability Vic Grosjean’s presence at the opening ceremony […]

Plastic Breakout at Rotary International Convention

Plastic Breakout at Rotary International Convention 2023: A Glimpse into the Plastics Challenge and Solutions As the vibrant atmosphere of the RICON Convention 2023 in Melbourne unfolded, attendees had the privilege of diving into thought-provoking breakout sessions that explored crucial global issues. Among these sessions, ESRAG’s engaging presentation took center stage, shedding light on the […]

ESRAG Green Event Handbook

ESRAG and Rotary Launch the Green Event Handbook at RICON 2023 in Melbourne Are you passionate about sustainability and making a positive impact on the environment? Then you’ll be thrilled to learn about the latest initiative from the Environmental Sustainability Rotary Action Group (ESRAG) – the launch of the much-anticipated Green Event Handbook. This comprehensive […]

Sustainability at RICON

Unveiling Melbourne’s Sustainability at RICON: Hosting the Rotary Convention When Melbourne took the stage as the host city for the 2023 Rotary International Convention (RICON), it wasn’t just about bringing together Rotarians from around the world. It was a chance for this bustling metropolis to showcase its commitment to sustainability. This article dives into the […]

Sustainability at RICON Conventions

Driving Sustainability at RICON Convention 2023 in Melbourne Rotary International Convention 2023 (RICON) is set to be more than just an event – it’s a testament to the power of sustainability. At the forefront of this commitment, Vic Grosjean, the HOC Sustainability Director, whose dedication to fostering eco-conscious practices has shaped RICON’s journey towards a […]