Prepare your phone call!

The page “Prepare your phone call!” helps you to answer and give a phone call… I recommend to answer in a quiet place. Answer a phone call: ’Hi, it’s John, how are you’ If you are not ready to answer: ‘Can you please give me a moment, let me find a quiet place’ Get your resume, so […]

Choose the best resume action verbs!

The page “Choose the best resume action verbs” helps you to pick up the best verbs from the toolbox and build your resume… I recommend to use the verb in the past for a past action and in the “-ing” form if it is your current position.    Remember to use words and short sentences without technical […]

Make a Portfolio

Make a Portfolio! This article guides you to discover the different aspects of your WordPress website: Themes Your information Learn how to use your website How to create a post How to create a page   Step 1: Customize your theme: Once you receive your Passwords, click on the Admin URL link   Enter your […]

How to prepare a site visit Interview?

The page “How to prepare a site visit Interview?” helps you to take the correct steps for your interview… I recommend to use this article as a check-list. Note: You may need to verify who is handling the expenses for this type of interview: The employer may handle all expenses and travel arrangements or not You may […]

Money Isn’t Everything!

The page “Money Isn’t Everything!” helps you to negotiate advantages of your new position without negotiating on the salary… I recommend to adapt to the situation (country, position, …). 1. List of the negotiable in a work: Vacation time Paid personal leave and sick days Medical / dental / health coverage Child care or elder care Discounts on […]

What is your dream job?

The page “What is your dream job” helps you to identify your dream job using the best set of tools… I recommend to follow step by step to get a good overview of your abilities. Before you can identify your position, the following step can help you to prepare your job search: 1. Self-knowledge I know what motivates me […]

Keep your own work diary!

The page “Keep your own diary!” gives you the best solutions to protect your job and maintain your ability to control the situation… I recommend to keep one up to date. 1. What event to write in the diary? The dates you worked Time you have started and finished Meals and rest breaks Time Name of your […]

Prepare your 1st day!

The page “Prepare your 1st day!” helps you to prepare your first day and to ask yourself the right questions… I recommend to check each category. 1. Main questions to ask yourself: Work location: Where do you need to go on your first day? Supervisor: Who do you need to talk on your first day? Hours of […]

Fair work checklist!

The “Fair work checklist!” gives you the tools to check if the company you are working for is using the legal way... I recommend to check each category. 1. Do I know: The full legal name of my employer? The name of my manager/supervisor? My job title? What work I am required to perform? The name […]

Your best answer to an interview question!

The following lists summarize “Your best answer to an interview question!”. I recommend to select one or two examples from each category.   The structure of your interview will follow the following model: Introduction Self-overview Questions Referrals Closing You can use the following phrases to show your confidence, some questions are designed to get out of your […]