How to prepare a phone interview?

The page “How to prepare a phone interview?” gives you the best tips to be ready for your phone interview. 1. Prior the interview Keep your resume in clear view in the case you need to answer questions Have a list of compealing stories that highlight your accomplishments Have company information summurized including critical points describing […]

Get an elevator pitch for your speech!

The page “Get an elevator pitch for your speech!” helps you to build your elevator pitch to present your project. An elevator pitch is one-minute summary of your interests, goals and needs.  1. What is an Elevator pitch? It is a one-minute summary of your interests, goals and your needs right now Practice by sharing your […]

Networking is part of your job research!

The page “Networking is part of your job research!” helps you to define your network as part of your job search. Networking is an integral part of the job search. Network etiquette requires do not ask for a job or internship. The focus is to meet people and find out more about the job they do.   1. Identify […]

Follow up with your application!

The page “Follow up with your application!” gives you the most efficient solutions to follow up with your application 1. Follow up with an email Write a thank you note/email including a thank you note and restating your interest and qualification for the position 2. Follow up with a phone call Call and leave a voicemail […]

Keep tracks of your application!

The page “Keep tracks of your application!” gives you a list of information you need to store while you are applying  1. Information Additional contacts offered Ideas to pursue Dates when you plan to follow up, job application deadlines, Interviews scheduled, Thank you notes to be sent out Networking meetings Industries and companies of interest and your research […]

What should you know about a company?

The page “What should you know about a company?” gives you a list of topic you should research before you write a cover letter 1. The company • Size of organization (comparison to other companies in industry) • Number of years in business; history of organization • Geographical locations, corporate headquarters • Products and services, clientele […]

What are you recognized for?

The page “What are you recognized for” gives you a list of questions you need to ask yourself to succeed… I recommend to list all the answers in order to turn your job duties into accomplishments. 1. Do you have a talent? What did I do that was above and beyond my normal job duties? How did I […]

Learn more about the persuasion methods!

The page “Learn more about the persuasion methods!” gives you effective tools to be more confident… I recommend to use these methods for the interview. 1. How to convince: If your audience is likely to disagree, speak faster If your audience is likely to agree, speak slower Stop saying, ‘I think’ or ‘I believe’ If you believe […]

British vs American English!

The page "British vs American English!" helps you to use the appropriate language in the right country...    BritishCV/curriculum vitaeCovering letterStandard paper size: A4MrsMissDear SirsYours faithfullyYours sincerelyManaging directorate format: DD/MM/YYLabour AmericanResumeCover letter/Covering letterStandard paper size: LetterMsMsGentlemenYours faithfullySincerely/Sincerely yours/Yours trulyChief Executive Officer/General ManagerDate format: MM/DD/YYLabor

S.T.A.R. versus K.I.S.S. method?

The page “S.T.A.R. versus K.I.S.S. method?”  gives you options to give the best answers for an interview… I recommend to tailor your answer… 1. S.T.A.R. Method: This method aim to give an example of a situation where you were involved in that resulted in a positive outcome. S- Situation Give an example of a situation you were […]