An Ocean Entrepreneur ready to save our oceans

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 26, December 2018 – An Ocean Entrepreneur ready to save our oceans Vic Grosjean interviewed in RotaryMag for his work preserving our Ocean ‘Vic Grosjean wants to save the oceans’, 26 December 2018, on ‘RotaryMag‘, 2018 Rotary Young Innovator Winner Interview. Vic Grosjean Rotary Mag Article Join the conversation and help us […]

End Plastics Soup Now supporting the Ocean CleanX Project

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 16, December 2018 – End Plastics Soup Now supporting the Ocean CleanX Project Vic Grosjean has founded a pioneering company to protect our oceans ‘Founding a pioneering company to develop technology that monitors pollution and removes it from waterways’, 16 December 2018, on ‘End Plastics Soup Now‘, Presentation of the Ocean CleanX Project. […]

Ocean Innovator interviewed in Singapore

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 16, December 2018 – Ocean Innovator interviewed in Singapore Vic Grosjean interviewed by PSB Academy in Singapore ‘The Future of Ocean Observing Systems’, 16 December 2018, on ‘PSB Academy‘ supported by the IET Singapore local Chapter, Interview of an Ocean Innovator. Join the conversation and help us clean our oceans!  

Melbourne French Expat Awarded at the United Nations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 10, December 2018 -Melbourne French Expat Awarded at the United Nations Vic Grosjean honored at the United Nations ‘Melbourne: Vic Grosjean honored at the United Nations’, 10 December 2018, by François Vantomme, on ‘Le Courrier Australien’, A Melbourne French Expat Awarded at the United Nations. Le Courrier Australien Join the conversation and […]